The Sheesh pal singh Residential Sr. Sec. School is an English medium School that follows the NCERT
Pattern. It takes in Students from N.S. to XII. The school was Started in the year of 2006. The School is Situated in old State Bank gali mursan , Hathras , uttar Pradesh.
The School is Sponsored and Supported by “Bright Educational and Social Reforming Institute This
organization is known and respected for its valuable Contribution to the field of “education” and “social
The School has always achived 100% result in board exam and we are giving a valuable selections in
“Navodaya Vidhalaya” Army Schools and “Military School” as well.
We are committed to-
Not only Bookish knowledge but also practical one.
We endow etiquette physic and fun.
We promise you to provide high quality education that will enable our students to-
* Develop Physically , mentally and spirituality in all the ways.
* Develop a scientific and enhancive attitude.
* Learn the skills and competence needed to succeed in a world of increasing specialization.